Syarif Husni's Greeting

Selasa, 05 April 2011
When I was a child, I cried a lot
Coz I knew I was nothing
But slowly I felt
I was everything for you
In your breathe
In your heart
I’m here, without you
try to remind the world is so hard
But deep in my heart I try to believe
I can be the one who hold your hand
I’m your child, Mom
You’d showed me the way
That I walked through
You’d taught me everything
About stars, moon, sun and life
About you and me
It’d been years
I never see your face, never hear your voice
But, I’m still here
Coz I wanna show the world
That I’m your child...
The time is comin’
Before I go
I wanna tell you
“I’m proud to be your child…”
Mataram, March 12th 2007
To : My beloved mother
(Thanks for my life)
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Ibu ,,ahai rindu,, what a deep note teman ,, like it ,,, ^_^
BalasHapusThanks,,note lama, bru di publish..hehehe